What a beautiful morning for a run around Rutland Water. Well, not exactly around .... that's about 25 miles if you include the sticky out bit! It was more of a flat 3.5km out from the car park and 3.5km back.
I'm running the Berlin Marathon in September this year and doing ok with my training plan so far, but there's an awful awful long way still to go. I'm a bit worried about my knees, so I'm trying to engage bum (ie glutes) when I'm running, rather than just relying on my legs. I am beginning to wonder whether my slightly sore knees are more a result of the hundreds of stairs in my life ... maybe I should get a Stannah stairlift?!?! Someone else suggested a jetpack, which I quite like the sound of for marathon day.
Running on the treadmill has definitely helped me up my speed and I knocked 5 mins off my 5 km time today, which is great progress, although it just means that I now run very very slowly, instead of very very very slowly.
The first half of the run was pretty horrid. That's my own fault though for having a late night drinking on Friday. Drinking and training definitely don't mix, so I'm off the booze now until after I cross the finishing line. I'm fantasising about having a liter Stein of German beer when it's over. Until then, I think I'll leave the wine in its bottle.
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