Ok, so it was on the treadmill, but who cares ... this time last year, I couldn't run for a bus! Not that there are any buses to run for here.
I decided a while ago that I'd like to run a marathon, but it's taken a little while to get on with it. So on 28th September 2014 you'll find me sitting at the back of the field in Berlin waiting to step across the starting line.
I'm only running to finish. I won't be racing. If I make it across the finish line within the 6hours 15 mins cut-off time, I will be over the moon. I've still got a lot of work to do to get there, but the journey so far has been amazing.
- December - gave up smoking
- January - cut back on cake and alcohol and lost 20lbs
- February - started walking ... a lot
- March - started running using the C25K (that's couch to 5km)
- April & May - oh dear .. moved house and dealt with some traumas
- June - back on track, but a bit behind
- July - as daytime temperatures rose, got on the treadmill - 8km, 11km, 13km, 16km
- August - so far .... ramping up the long runs 19km, 22km
- August - to come ... Kimbolton Half Marathon, and some really long runs
- September - a couple of really long runs, 2 weeks tapering and then the big day
My mission on the day will be to finish. It's not going to be pretty, but there's other years for that.
I'm aiming to enjoy it.
All of my running so far has been run / walk. That just felt natural for me given my low starting fitness level. As far as is possible, I think I've checked my ego at the door, so even if I'm last on the day I shall be grinning from ear to ear.
I've just discovered Jeff Galloway's books on the run / walk method and it soooo works for me. If you'd like to run, but you think you could never go further than a 5k, then read one of his books and try out his suggestions. Just suspend disbelief and give it a go. I think you'll be surprised.
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